Saturday, January 24, 2015

Divine Intervention? Difficult Repair!!!

A week ago we decided to go for a night ride. It was a beautiful night -- snow on the ground, snow falling, and stars. It had to be a short ride (for reasons I'll explain in another post) so we were just going on the trails on our property, and then on the lane that circles our general area.

No sooner had we gotten onto our trails, than Zora started acting up. In getting her under control John noticed the clip on one of his reins was broken. Of course that changes everything, so back to the barn we go.

When unsaddling, I noticed that one of MY reins was also about to break -- the leather strap had come unhooked from its clasp and was barely hanging on.

To me this meant that we were prevented from taking that ride for some reason. I'm not questioning it or complaining about the tack issues!

Last night we finally had a chance to do the rein repairs. Has anyone out there had experience with this type of clasp?

I HATE these things! They are so very difficult to work with! They just WILL NOT BUDGE when you are trying to work with them, and they are an absolute nightmare to get back together, I am wondering if there is a trick to them?

And so this is what John  ended up with -- original clasp at the bottom, our repair at the top. Had to use the clasps we had on hand! Looks strange, I know, but as long as it works!